Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Some more things I know:

1. Airing out your apartment in fall is worth sitting indoors in your coat and shoes. 

2. If you wait for perfect conditions you'll never get anything done. One day I may even follow that advice myself.

3. I spend more time adjusting and fussing with the layout and colour of this blog then I spend blogging. Today we shall try wood paneling to go with the industrial brick print.

4. I may be a little anal about the layout.

5. I get easily distracted: I came in from the library, and decided that since I had my shoes on I'd take out the garbage, on my way to take out the garbage I stopped to open a few windows to let fresh air in, then I sat at my computer to start loading an episode of british hoarders so it would be finished when I came back in, then I started looking on Apartment Therapy, which lead to Bloglovin, which lead to me feeling pathetic about how little I blogged. So, it's been an hour since I got in, the garbage is half emptied in the hall waiting for me to take it out, my house is really cold from all the open windows, and my video isn't loaded... But at least I got a bit of blog writing done.

6. See number 2.


  1. Ahahaha....

    1. yep, totally. Same with spring :)

    5. Oh fiona, I love you! Also, I'm the exact same way!

  2. Also, my favorite layout was the one with the cute 50s photos of you :)
