Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Some more things I know:

1. Airing out your apartment in fall is worth sitting indoors in your coat and shoes. 

2. If you wait for perfect conditions you'll never get anything done. One day I may even follow that advice myself.

3. I spend more time adjusting and fussing with the layout and colour of this blog then I spend blogging. Today we shall try wood paneling to go with the industrial brick print.

4. I may be a little anal about the layout.

5. I get easily distracted: I came in from the library, and decided that since I had my shoes on I'd take out the garbage, on my way to take out the garbage I stopped to open a few windows to let fresh air in, then I sat at my computer to start loading an episode of british hoarders so it would be finished when I came back in, then I started looking on Apartment Therapy, which lead to Bloglovin, which lead to me feeling pathetic about how little I blogged. So, it's been an hour since I got in, the garbage is half emptied in the hall waiting for me to take it out, my house is really cold from all the open windows, and my video isn't loaded... But at least I got a bit of blog writing done.

6. See number 2.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Some things I know

Sunday is a CBC Radio kind of day.

I don't enjoy malls any more, I must be growing up, or getting better at not buying stuff I don't need, or smarter, or all three.

Crayons are still awesome to write with, even though the ends get duller and duller the more you use them and ergo your letters get fatter and fatter.

I don't call my mother enough.

Writing down my do to list is just as satisfying as actually doing the things on my to do list.

My apartment isn't big enough for all the rugs I want to make/buy.

Party on Garth.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Oh heyyyy long forgotten blog.

It's been ages. 

I'm only having a mild identity crisis, but more on that later.

Work has been steadily busy, I was the 2nd in the craft department on a Christmas movie, just did some chopping and dish washing for the catering of a pilot shoot, farted about with some other work with some TV and a touch of modelling. Relationship is good (as far as I know, eek!), family is healthy, wallet is steadily getting bigger, but I dunno. Something is off.

I've narrowed the iffy feeling down to several possibilities:

  • I'm lacking job satisfaction. I like doing craft services and all, but I think it's time to try and push my self into other departments, try and do more TV, work on my model portfolio... You know, challenge myself. Things have been challenging, don't get me wrong, craft is a tough job if you do it right and people don't give it enough respect, but I think I want to attempt to create a more secure job net buy expanding my skills and tech knowledge. 
  • I'm seriously lacking a creative outlet. There's only so many times I can kid myself that tidying my apartment and rearranging furniture is a creative endeavour. I have an idea for an art project that isn't a practical home DIY, we'll see how that goes.
  • I'm overwhelmed by too much stuff. I am not a hoarder or anything, you can see nothing but tons of floorspace and neatly displayed neat things (No dusty china dolls here!) in my apartment,  but if you were to open a closet, yeah... whole other story. I'm attacking boxes of forgotten crap in little bouts to fight my clutter unhappiness, hopefully it will be a huge weight off my shoulders when I get it to a manageable place. 
  • I'm not meant to live with a roommate. My roommate is lovely and sweet, she doesn't steal my stuff, do drugs in the living room or bring boys home every night, so it's nothing against her. I think I'm at a place where I am really ready to live on my own, to take up all the space in my apartment, decorate ALL the walls, own all the food in the fridge. I'm so ready. My roommate moves out end of November. I'll miss her. but I'm ready.
  • I need to read more. I'm taking suggestions for good books. Hit me up.
I'm optimistic that tackling some of these things will help me be more satisfied about me. More comfortable, more relaxed, less high strung. 

We'll see how it goes,